DevLog #9 (first time on

Hi! Hope you are doing well.

It's been a busy few weeks, but we're finally back with the devlogs!

🥭Status of Chapter 2 Part A

Apart from a short break after the publication of Ch.1 Update, we have been actively working on the dialogues for the next version. We cannot give specific information as texts are still being modified and adjusted

If I were to provide an estimate, I'd say we have approximately 60% to 70% of the text completed for Part A.

Regarding the renders, there are only a few done at the moment. However, this number is expected to increase significantly on a weekly basis now that the script is nearly finished.

This is good news for me, since I find writing to be much more challenging than rendering :)

🥭About Patreon public releases

We also want to note that the game releases will be made public after a certain period from now on, likely between three weeks and a month following the official launch. We consider the Ch.1 Update as an exception, given that the original, old version was already public. This applies to as well.

I hope you understand our reasoning. We don't want to restrict the spread of our game, but we also want to ensure that our supporters receive the benefits they pay for. 

Having said that, if you come across a new update of our game on the Internet before these conditions are met, it has not been uploaded by us. 

It seems like a new memory has blossomed within our protagonist's mind. What could this possibly mean?

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